FloCombat's Best KO's

FloCombat's Best Knockouts Final 4

FloCombat's Best Knockouts Final 4

We've come a long way and now it's time for the final 4 in our best knockouts brackets.

Apr 1, 2020 by Daniel Vreeland
FloCombat's Best Knockouts Final 4

We've come a long way and now it's time for the final 4 in our best knockouts brackets. To make sure that your favorite makes it to the final showdown, head over to our Instagram account to vote for your pick.

#2 Kenan Kapic at Shamrock 318 vs #4 Logun Gilbreath at OCL 3

Logun Gilbreth


Kenan Kapic


#8 Connor Matthews at Cage Titans 45 vs Yve Nelson at XFN 24

Connor Matthews


Yve Nelson
